Sunday, July 25, 2010

Advice I gave to me cousin that I wish i followed myself LOL

So I was telling my cousin some advice about her relationship problems. Its funny though, Everything i said to my cousin I wish I took my own advice when I was with my ex!!! LOL

Why do most people hold onto a relationship that isnt making them happy? (especially women) The answer is simple yet complicating LOL

A lot of people have the mentality "Oh what if i regret it?" "What if I never find someone that I'll be happy with" "I've been in a relationship for so long what if I'm not happy single?" We have those what if questions. Those are the questions that keep us in an unhappy relationship. Stop thinking of those WHAT IF'S!!! I think most people should learn how to make themselves happy before the step into a relationship and expect the perfect person to come along make them happy. Like how you going to be happy with someone else when you don't know how how to make your own self happy?


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