So I havent written in here in a while. It is now 2011!!!...Another year Another start at everything!!! So far its only the end of January and alot of stuff somewhat happened. Went to Vegas for NYE...that was pretty fun...Well actually, not that muched has happened...Same old Same old LOL. Except I'm over a whole lot of sh!t!!! LOL There is still no love life! But there is one potential guy, we'll all see how that goes. I dont want to talk about him here since he might actually read this one day.
Omg this blog is the most boringest blog I ever wrote. I think its becuase I have nothing to say and actually feel like blogging since I havent since last year. I am still working 3 jobs, hardly any days off. But work hard play hard right?..WRONG...I'm becoming a homebody again!!!! LOL...whatever at least I'm saving money hahaha. Plus the clubs here in San Jose are getting tiring after going to the sameones over and over and over again haha
Well that is all for my blog right now. I have to get ready for the Resturtant job LOL