It's Nov. 1st already!!! I haven't written here since FEB. Things are the same. Me and Carlo are still together. We are 10 months strong! We were on a brake for a couple of months but in the end it all worked out. Me and him are meant to be.
I now am working 2 jobs. I know right, FINALLY I have a job again lol. It was like 3 jobs for the past 2 weeks but I quit one because they wouldn't work with my schedule. I work at Hair International as a receptionist soon to be stylist, and at Stanford University as an assistant to one of the head admins. I workED at body kneads for a little while. For like a month and a half. I liked working there. The people there are really nice. But I didn't like working the night shift. It was scary there at night lol. Plus the owner of that salon was really cheap. I backed to Alameda just to be closer to my jobs. Even from there it is like a 45min commute plus crossing the $4 toll! I'm trying to look for a place to stay that's closer to my jobs. But so far not really that much luck. I want a place really cheap but yet also nice. Now that's REALLY hard to find. If anyone knows of any place let your girl know lol.
Well I guess that's all for today. I'm really tired and need to go to sleep! Keeping 2 jobs is so tiring!. Especially if one of them is more then full time!