It's okay. It's the thought that counts. He also tried surprising me for valentines day too. But that also got ruined lol. I don't think he can surprise me without me knowing lol. It's okay. I love the fact he tries. He is the best boyfriend ever. I don't think ANYone can compare to him. I can say I know for sure that this is the guy I will be marrying and spending my life with. I really can't see myself without him and him without me.
People say me and him are moving too fast. I say me and him are moving in our OWN pace. It shouldn't matter to use how people think of our relationship as long as we both are happy and trust each other fully.
What else is going on with my life? Other than being really happy with my boyfriend. I've been obessed with Desperate Housewives soap lol, I have no job, I just found out this morning that my ex was cheating and lieing to me since day one of our so called relationship, and i might confront him about that later. I can't tell him who told me though because my friend and her soon to be boothang will get in trouble. So instead I'm going to tell him that this other guy told me, who alot of us hate because he is a cheater just like my ex, but I'm so over it because I'm so in love with Mr. Carlo Abarquez =D. And lastly I almost had a kidney stone. almost had to go to the E.R. this morning. Sort of. Well if the pain I'm having continued then yes I would of. But it all went away this morning when I woke up. THANK YOU Lord for not going to the E.R. Or I would have to explain to my parents how I got kidney stone/bladder infection (I'll just call it that lol). But to let you guys know my pain is almost 100% gone. No more pain when I pee or my lower side of my left back where my kidney is located. Even with all those stuff going on in my life. I STILL LOVE IT. The reason why is because (this is going to sound so clishaeish and corney) I have the love of my life and God with me. The 2 basic things I basically need in my life.
I really need a job though. hopefully I will get one soon. I HATE BEING BROKE!!! It sucks alot. I hate not having a relyable source of income. Bleh. Hopefully I find a job soon.
Well tis all for now. Till the next time I write in here. I don't know when that will be though lol