Alot has changed....went to shawna n christianz wedding...me n del got in a hella long 2 month fight and made up...he go out with nikki...scandeless rite since tha whole camille thing lol...brian still prank calls me..moved to friscko..now movin back to alemeda in a few weeks...had my debut show and my photo shoot...graduating either sept 27, or oct. 4...so exited..yeah i think thats bout it
Rite now I'm just in my room here in friscko...my whole fam went to mexico with out me cuz i have school..gettin my hair did tomorrow..ppl so irkin me rite now though...nothing really exciting at this very moment happening in my life...just waitin for abdc to start so i can go to sleep rite after...tomorrow is youth nite and on saturday is the leaderz outting
sometimes i feel confused with my life...like what am i going to do after i graduate???...like wat salon should i go to??..or should i even do salons...what if i do photoshoots???...idk really wat to do...the closest thing i got to model wise is my cuzo...one of the hoe models...all i did was cut and color her hair though...oh well...at least gettin print for it
but still idk wer to go or do...or should i even stay down here???..ive been wanting to go down south for hella long alredy...i really dont want to stay up here...tha youth group all paired up...lianne n jae, michelle n eugene, aus n irka, jenn n jordan, jojo n jill, jordel n nikki...well nikki isnt part of tha youth...i feel all left out n stuff...
like really i dont want to get into tha world agen...done that for a lil while...i dnt wanna keep datin around cuz im bored...sorry guys...i was just lookin for something to do everytime you took me out...a relationship dont really suit my intrest rite now...get back at me in like 3months...i really dont know
maybe u should move down south...thats what ive been wanting to do for so long alredy..or move to hawaii....like get away from up here...cuz basically im gettin hella sick of it...and is it me or is jaegar gettin more and more rude everytime i see his rude ass...bleh...
also...wats a cell phone for if you dont answer tha damn thing???...yeah i understand if u dnt wanna talk...but if i leave a message cuz i want to get something done..call me back!!!..at tha most it wud only take like 30mins!!! geez louize!!!!
also people that change afta they get in a relationship...i hate it!!!...geez remember who your old frens are???...and tha ones that helped you get through ur las friggin heartache...u see who ur real frens are afta they get in a damn relationship...they just leave u hangin...shoot...nxt time you get into a heartache my ass aint gunna be there niggaSSSSSSS...
peace out niggas...hopefully a nap will make me feel better
bleh...i think im gettin period or im really sick of it here in northern california...damn it...maybe a lil of both haha