Thursday, November 8, 2007
to me you: lied, cheated, never saw me, never even called me on my birthday, never even got me a card, you never called back, you always got mad at me for always geting suspisous of you cheating and you know why,. most of all you made me feel like i wasnt worth anything. i was in san diego and you didnt even come and see me!!!!!!!!!!....i was less then 20mins away from you!!!! when you where in friscko you didnt even come see me!!!...there i was less then 10mins away from you!!!!!1
i know you never said anything verbally but your actions made it seem like me I WAS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH for you to even just see once in the past 2 1/2 years. The only nice thing you ever did for me was talk to me on the fone
dont get me wrong...i loved all the times we talked on the fone...but felt like i was in a relationship with my cell phone...i only saw you once in my life...kinda sad huh??...i only saw you once because i was never good enough to see again
I did more stuff for you than you ever did for me...your the guy isnt it supose to be the other way around?...i got you cards on your birthdays and christmas.. i called you on your birthday, i got you presents, i let you put me through the stress of you on my fone bill and payin me late, i took you back when you did me wrong, i let you make me cry and get mad at me even more when i did. i made my 18th birthday in la just so you can come, did you. i never told you this but i was crying because you never came that day...i was crying on my own birthday cuz of you!!!
the wrong i did to you: i cussed at you when you cheated, i cussed at you when ever you didnt pay me, and i kept callin your house disturbing your whole family till YOU answered. and you know you deserved it
the main point im getting at is why???....what did i do to make u treat me like that?...why havnt you ever came to see me? havnt you ever done a nice jesture for me? say you got me stuff...why couldnt you have sent it?
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
i cudnt sleep

the start of last summer
so i was lyin in bed...idk...i ws really upset bout sumthings...either that or im just getting my period soon...i started trippin off brian...then i started thinkin bout the youth group how things are different since i got back...i really think i am gettin my rag...cuz i noe ima get it if i cry for no reason...n thats wat i did tonite haha
it is now 306am...jordel called me 30mins ago...he cudnt sleep either...he told me what he did yesturday (sunday)...he sed stuff bout berkely den goin to play tenis...once he sed tenis..i ws like omg...i remember wen we used to that last summer...da youth wud be at glen cove park or sumwer playin with a volleyball...i miss those good times...what was the highest number we got up to??? lol
it is already the middle of summer...its been since i got back home...make the most of it rite??? hungry...i think ima eat...den hopefully sleep adios
Saturday, July 14, 2007
sum...peetures (there outta order)

campin time

this car ride hadda really funny story