Sunday, January 30, 2011
Its 2011!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Advice I gave to me cousin that I wish i followed myself LOL
Why do most people hold onto a relationship that isnt making them happy? (especially women) The answer is simple yet complicating LOL
A lot of people have the mentality "Oh what if i regret it?" "What if I never find someone that I'll be happy with" "I've been in a relationship for so long what if I'm not happy single?" We have those what if questions. Those are the questions that keep us in an unhappy relationship. Stop thinking of those WHAT IF'S!!! I think most people should learn how to make themselves happy before the step into a relationship and expect the perfect person to come along make them happy. Like how you going to be happy with someone else when you don't know how how to make your own self happy?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Social Media

Social media have been modernized to reach consumers through the internet. Social media have become appealing to big and small businesses. Credible brands are utilizing social media to reach customers and to build or maintain reputation. As social media continue to grow, the ability to reach more consumers globally has also increased. Twitter, for example, has expanded its global reach to Japan, Indonesia, and Mexico, among others. This means that brands are now able to advertise in multiple languages and therefore reach a broader range of consumers. Social media have become the new "tool" for effective business marketing and sales.[2] Popular networking sites including Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are social media most commonly used for socialization and connecting friends, relatives, and employees. I took this of wikipedia LOL. I didnt know how to explain it.
I Cant Sleep
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
SINGLE!!!!...YES I AM!!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
THE NEW YEAR...even though its already march lol
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Same old Same old

It's Nov. 1st already!!! I haven't written here since FEB. Things are the same. Me and Carlo are still together. We are 10 months strong! We were on a brake for a couple of months but in the end it all worked out. Me and him are meant to be.
I now am working 2 jobs. I know right, FINALLY I have a job again lol. It was like 3 jobs for the past 2 weeks but I quit one because they wouldn't work with my schedule. I work at Hair International as a receptionist soon to be stylist, and at Stanford University as an assistant to one of the head admins. I workED at body kneads for a little while. For like a month and a half. I liked working there. The people there are really nice. But I didn't like working the night shift. It was scary there at night lol. Plus the owner of that salon was really cheap. I backed to Alameda just to be closer to my jobs. Even from there it is like a 45min commute plus crossing the $4 toll! I'm trying to look for a place to stay that's closer to my jobs. But so far not really that much luck. I want a place really cheap but yet also nice. Now that's REALLY hard to find. If anyone knows of any place let your girl know lol.
Well I guess that's all for today. I'm really tired and need to go to sleep! Keeping 2 jobs is so tiring!. Especially if one of them is more then full time!